Call for Experts: Concept Certification vPLC
New automation solutions can be developed in the future through so-called virtual PLCs. For this purpose, a PLC runtime and a corresponding environment are installed and hosted, for example, in a data center or HCI system (Hyper-Converged Infrastructure).
However, this means that a well-known hardware/software environment can no longer be assumed, as this is typically only defined, operated and maintained by the customer in the final installation.
For the best interoperability in a PROFINET network, the PI certification system with defined processes and tests for both devices and controllers, most of which are automated, has proven itself.
Until now, these tests were performed on defined hardware and firmware of the devices. With the introduction of vPLCs, this fixed bundling no longer exists. Therefore, the first step is to develop a concept on how vPLCs can be tested and thus certified.
For this working group, specialists from system and device manufacturers, test experts, and also users are being sought who would like to work productively on the subject of "Concept Certification vPLC".
All interested companies are invited to participate.
Please find more information in the PDF below.