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Competence Centers

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Czech Technical University in Prague

Pavel Burget

Karlovo nam. 13

121 35 Prague 2

Czech Republic

Phone: +420 224 357 610

Email: pavel.burget(at)fel.cvut(dot)cz


Competence Areas
  • PROFIdrive
  • PROFIsafe
  • PROFIdrive
  • PROFIsafe

Further experience and special services of the Competence Center:

  • Development of DP slave and master devices
  • Development of PROFINET devices
  • HW/SW development
  • Protocol implementation
  • Real-time behaviour analysis
  • Control algorithms
  • On-place protocol analysis
  • Training and consulting for PROFIBUS and PROFINET issues

Demo systems:

  • PROFIBUS DP/PA demo wall, PROFIBUS DP training kits
  • PROFINET training kits

Training, Workshops, Seminars:

  • Basic/ extended course on PROFIBUS DP/PA (on demand)
  • Basic/ extended course on PROFINET RT/IRT (on demand)
  • PROFINET Developer (on demand)
  • Course on fieldbus systems (on demand)
Available experts
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Competence Centers

PROFIBUS is a standardized, open, digital communications system for all areas of application in manufacturing and process automation.

Competence Centers

PROFINET is the innovative open standard for Industrial Ethernet. It satisfies all requirements of automation technology..

Competence Centers

IO-LINK is an independent sensor / actuator interface solution for use with PROFIBUS and PROFINET.